In today’s day and age, I find that we are all quick to blame and complain about a property managers performance. Being on the board for so long I know how hard and ungratifying a property managers job can be. I also know that it’s rare for someone to tell the boss what a great job his employee is doing. She is committed, consciousness and cares about her properties and I am so grateful.

Last night we had a resident break a water pipe which led to the main water line being shut down and repaired. I called Linda at home to see if she could help and without delay, she immediately called your emergency line to inform them as well as sent out an email blast to all our homeowners letting them know that the water will be off until the next day.  It’s difficult enough dealing with 100 different units and their personalities, let alone no water usage when it’s over 90 degrees right now

I am hoping that maybe Ross Morgan has an employee of the month/year program (or some recognition program) whereby she can be recognized for a great job done and how much the Board appreciates her dedication and commitment to us.

Thank you

Jillisa LaMarca

President – Sherwood Townhomes HOA